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Holiday Decorating News

We greatly appreciate our families’ years of support in helping to keep Brookland Cemetery beautiful with your participation in our wreath program. We have unfortunately outgrown the program after the past several years of rapid expansion and are unable to continue to offer our wreath program. We encourage our families to continue to partner with us in maintaining the quality and beauty of Brookland Cemetery by placing your own wreaths on your loved one’s gravesite.

Creations by Barbara (502-955-7557) of Shepherdsville has been our supplier throughout our years of wreath sales and is available for cash and carry holiday wreaths to be placed by families themselves on their loved one’s gravesite.

Wreaths are strongly encouraged to be used as the holiday decoration of choice. There is a height restriction for decorations within Brookland Cemetery. An average sized wreath stand, once placed with legs slightly sunken into the ground to promote stability, is within the 12” height requirement. Wreaths should be placed directly in front of a headstone or if without a headstone then directly at the head of the grave, in line with other monuments in the same row.

When selecting your decorations for winter and the holidays, please keep in mind the 12” height restriction as well as the prohibition of temporary markers of any kind, shepherd’s hooks, glass, wood, ceramics, concrete or iron, for the safety of all visitors to the cemetery. These restrictions are not an exhaustive list of prohibited items, please visit for our full Rules & Regulations or contact staff at the office for further clarification.

Christmas trees of any kind are allowed only if they fit within a permanent flower vase (a vase which was part of the original design of the monument). Christmas trees will not be allowed as ground decorations at any time in order to avoid any safety issues or create additional maintenance burdens.

Winter/ground decorating runs annually from Thanksgiving Day – March 1. Families both with and without monuments are asked to limit ground decorations to 2-3 small items, which includes a holiday wreath.


Please Pardon Our Dust

Brookland Cemetery is working diligently to add additional availability to our current plot offerings for families to choose from, for both pre- and at-need purchase. While we make every effort to keep the cemetery as pristine as possible, we hope our families will understand the need for expansion to accommodate our current families and future generations.
Please know that no large machinery will be operated during any funeral services. The current work is happening on the west-side of the cemetery and those new sections will be available sometime in 2024.
Meanwhile, towards the entrance of the cemetery we are finalizing work on three new sections, with every expectation of them opening prior to the end of this year. Please call the office in the coming weeks if you would like to purchase plots in one of our new sections.

Why It Is Important to Have a Specific Place to Mourn?

We hear so often, typically from the man, “when I am gone, just throw me in a ditch somewhere, I won’t care, I won’t be there anyway”.  We appreciate the sentiment that the person will be in heaven and may not care.  But everyone he loves that is left behind for the moment, grieving his loss, does care very much.Continue Reading..


Why are Brookland Cemetery and Schoppenhorst-Underwood and Brooks Funeral Home Growing So Rapidly?

We believe the answer is because we offer the best value, quality and service in the region. We encourage folks to visit us, ask around and compare. We are confident that our funeral home and cemetery compares favorably to any.Continue Reading..