
Why Do Brookland’s Monuments Stand Straight and Some Others Do Not?

All monuments erected in Brookland Cemetery must have a concrete foundation under the entirety of its base in order to keep it standing plumb in the distant future. Continue Reading..


How Do Schoppenhorst-Underwood and Brooks Funeral Home’s Prices Compare?

Our funeral home offers superior service for honest value. It can, because it is family owned and operated. It does not have Wall Street owners pressuring it for high profits.Continue Reading..


How do Brookland Cemetery’s Prices Compare to Other Cemeteries?

It is not all about ‘price’, but value instead. It is not desired to be the least expensive if the quality and service are lacking. That is why we believe that Brookland Cemetery offers the best quality service for honest value.Continue Reading..


Are All Cemeteries Protected By a Perpetual Care Trust?

No. Perpetual care statutes are a fairly recent legislative enactment in the United States in response of providing some means to properly care for cemeteries in the future. In Kentucky the perpetual care statutes were enacted in the early 1980’s.Continue Reading..


Why are Brookland Cemetery and Schoppenhorst-Underwood and Brooks Funeral Home Growing So Rapidly?

We believe the answer is because we offer the best value, quality and service in the region. We encourage folks to visit us, ask around and compare. We are confident that our funeral home and cemetery compares favorably to any.Continue Reading..