
Why It Is Important to Have a Specific Place to Mourn?

We hear so often, typically from the man, “when I am gone, just throw me in a ditch somewhere, I won’t care, I won’t be there anyway”.  We appreciate the sentiment that the person will be in heaven and may not care.  But everyone he loves that is left behind for the moment, grieving his loss, does care very much.Continue Reading..


Must I have a Vault in a Traditional Burial?

In Brookland Cemetery, “yes” you must. In most cemeteries anymore you will need a vault. Most cemeteries require a vault because otherwise as the casket and body return to nature, the grave space continues to settle for years, and makes a maintenance and safety issue for the cemetery. The concrete vault does not deteriorate, and eliminates much of the grave space settlement.Continue Reading..


Can I Do This Online and Not in Person?

Yes. Some folks are not picky about where in the cemetery they will be and prefer to not spend the time or effort to come discuss the details. For these folks we have simply selected for the family a burial right, completed the paperwork and mailed it to them to sign. What a marvelous, fast, easy way to get one of life’s reluctant decisions done!!Continue Reading..


What if I Cannot Afford It All?

Our hearts bleed for families that wait too long, come to us at-need, without funds to bury their love one. Burial costs are undeniably a major expense. Continue Reading..


What Are ‘Green’ Burials?

The idea of green burials (also called “natural burials”) is to minimize harmful effects on the environment in one’s burial process. There is no ‘one size fits all’ in making green burial decisions, but a variety of options depending on availability and the families’ desires.Continue Reading..


Is It Better to Go Back Home to Be Buried or Be Buried Where Your Family Will Visit?

Obviously a rhetorical question: the cemetery is for the living and not the dead.Continue Reading..


Does Brookland Cemetery Sell Insurance to Pay for Burial Costs

Yes. One advantage of buying insurance is to acquire coverage in the event of death before the policy is paid up in full. Continue Reading..


Must I Be Embalmed?

No. There is no law that requires a person to be embalmed. In fact, some religions preclude the process. The trade off is that the body is typically buried the same day of death in order to preclude its deterioration in public viewing.Continue Reading..


Who Owns a Burial Right?

This is a good question: the subject of many lawsuits and considerable confusion, even amongst the legal community. The owner of the burial right, initially, is who is declared as the owner upon purchase, and recorded as such in the cemetery’s records. Continue Reading..


How Do Burial Rights Pass to Others at One’s Death?

It depends. One can designate by Will who is the next owner of one’s burial rights. If there is no Will, the burial rights will pass immediately on death to the first tier next of kin and the spouse, if any.Continue Reading..