Yes. Some folks are not picky about where in the cemetery they will be and prefer to not spend the time or effort to come discuss the details. For these folks we have simply selected for the family a burial right, completed the paperwork and mailed it to them to sign. What a marvelous, fast, easy way to get one of life’s reluctant decisions done!!
We still offer easy finance terms, for as low as $18.50/mo, if you wish to finance it over time. We have families that have done so. We are not sure if they have ever come to the Cemetery and seen their grave spaces; yet, every month we receive their payment on their purchase. It will be waiting there, ready, when they need it. There is only upside for a family to plan ahead via this easy means and take away forever a decision that needs doing.
Visit our website at and send us a message of your interest in planning your burial rights ahead of time, without visiting us. We are glad to accommodate your wishes as we are similarly doing so for others now.